Presentation Title Abusing RFID Cards for Fun and Profit.
Presentation Abstract
Ever wondered about the security of those little tags which unlocks your work door? Is it secure? Can somebody clone the tag by walking next to you?
This talk will be about the security of the physical cards and their implementations and what you can do with RFID technology. Topics which will be covered include: electronic passports, Mifare cryptography, and how you can ride the train for free in various parts of the world!
About Jurre van Bergen (Dr. Whax)
DrWhax – Jurre van Bergen is an independent security researcher and has been involved with HITB since 2010. Since HITB Amsterdam 2011 he has the honour of being the CTF Overlord 1.0 for HITB Amsterdam. He is one of the founders of 2600nl, the local 2600 meeting in Utrecht and likes to hangout at various hackerspaces or hack around at various projects.
About Youri van der Zwart (ITDeal)
Youri van der Zwart is a Dutch Computer Science student at the ‘Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam’ and has been with hackerspace RandomData in Utrecht since it opened up and became involved with HiTB not long after. He has done different researches regarding the Dutch Public Transport Chip card, passports and other RFID cards.