Set up and run by members from the The Open Organization of Lockpickers (TOOOL US), attendees to this year’s event will get a chance to try their hand at picking, shimming, bumping, safecracking, and other physical security attacks. It has always been customary for TOOOL-sponsored physical security sessions to offer some degree of audience interaction and hands-on training. Sometimes this has taken the form of publicly-submitted locks being given on the spot security analysis, other times members of the general public with no lock-picking experience have been invited to attempt a bypass in order to demonstrate its ease.
When sample locks and picks are made available, the public inevitably finds most equipment astonishingly easy to compromise and comes away with a better understanding of how to protect themselves. It is in this spirit of educational fun that The Open Organization of Lockpickers has begun to organize “Lockpick Villages” at security events around the world. All who participate are guaranteed to have a good time and to come away with a healthier and more in-depth understanding of physical security hardware.