Since 2010 in Amsterdam, HITB has worked together with various hackerspaces to show you that hacking is not only about bits and bytes, exploits and payloads and to introduce hackers to the interesting and exciting world of microcontrolers, LEDs, soldering irons and 3D printers.
For #HITB2011KUL, the folks from Hackerspace Kuala Lumpur (@hackerspacekl) and Randomdata (@randomdata) are coming together to run the HACKERSPACE PLAYGROUND – A dedicated area that runs alongside the main conference on the 12th and 13th of October that is FREE AND OPEN TO PUBLIC! Not only will you get a sneak peak at cool projects you can get involved with but Randomdata are also bringing LEGO Mindstorms with them! Can you say toys for big boys?
Some of the activities you can expect at the Hacker Playground:
LEGO MindStorms – Build your own robot and write the code to run it!
Soldering 101 – Can’t solder a simple circuit to save your life? We’ll show you how and promise it won’t smell like chicken!
DIY Microcontrollers – Build interfaces and electronics with Arduino. Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It’s intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, hackers and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.
Lot’s Of LEDs and Lasers – Build your own project with enough 31337 LED lights and lasers
Inline Hardware Sniffing – Think a piece of hardware is secure just because it doesn’t have an interface? Think again!
RFID Toys – Come play with RFID systems and see for yourself how you can build, adapt and break them!
In addition to the above, mini demos will also be given at the Hackerspace Playground and you can of course start working on your own Arduino or soldering session with support from fellow members. See you there!