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HITBSecConf2008 - Malaysia (Day 1)

HITBSecConf2008 - Malaysia (Day 2)

Registration for HITBSecConf2009 - Dubai is also now open.

King Tuna (Independent Network Security Researcher)

Filed under: Main Page — Administrator @ 12:13 pm

Presentation Title: HITB-LAB: Bluetooth, RFID and Wireless
Presentation Abstract:

A hardcore intensive session conducted by members of HacDC, this lab will take attendees through all they need to do to attack some of the popular wireless technologies penetrating our every day lives. Topics covered include breaking 802.11 b/g/n networks, cracking WEP/WPA/WPA2, attacking RFID tags, RFID passports and attacking Bluetooth devices for fun, fame and mayhem. For further details on the HITB Lab sessions, please click here

About KT

King Tuna is an Independent Wireless researcher. He has worked with many companies in the past providing general support and training. Some companies he has worked for include Wardriving world, Antenna World, and Simple WiFi. He has setup community wide hotspot services in Miami and is known for using open source projects to maintain high availability, scalability, and security for wireless networking.

Event Organizer

Hack In The Box (M) Sdn. Bhd.

Supported & Endorsed By

Malaysian National Computer Confederation

Multimedia Development Corporation

Platinum Sponsors

Titanium Sponsor (Post Conference Reception)

Gold Sponsors

CTF Sponsor

CTF Prize Sponsor

Open-Hack Sponsor

Metro-e and Official Bandwidth Sponsor

Network Equipment Sponsor

Our Speakers are Supported By

Supporting Media:

Virus Bulletin

InfoSec News

InfoSec News

XAKEP (Russia)

Supporting Organizations

Professional Information Security Association - Hong Kong

Special Interest Group in Security & Information InteGrity Singapore