HITB Labs (Conference Track 3)

These new lab sessions have been added to cater to attendees who would like to gain a deeper understanding through hands on tutorial sessions. Each session caters for a total of 50 participants with laptops and runs for a total of 120 minutes. The HITB Lab will run over the 2-day conference period (29th and 30th October) with 3 sessions held on each day.
Some of the HITB Labs topics that we have lined up include:
Bluetooth, RFID and Wireless
A hardcore intensive session conducted by members of TOOOL USA and researchers from Telspace Systems, this lab will take attendees through all they need to do to attack some of the popular wireless technologies penetrating our every day lives. Topics covered include breaking 802.11 b/g/n networks, cracking WEP/WPA/WPA2, attacking RFID tags, RFID passports and attacking Bluetooth devices for fun, fame and mayhem.
Advanced Lock Picking and Physical Security Bypass Methods
Conducted by members of TOOOL USA and Marc Weber Tobias, lawyer and physical security specialist for over 10 years. This lab expands on the topics covered within the Lock Picking village. Attendees who have mastered the basic lock picking skills but who hunger for more can learn how to bump and pick their way through some of the higher security locks. Learn also about other physical security bypass methods and how attackers are breaking the locks of today.