2022 has been one hell of a year for Linux exploitation, with several high profile vulnerabilities including DirtyPipe (CVE-2022-0847), Pwnkit (CVE-2021-4034) and many other equally cool but unbranded bugs (like CVE-2022-27666). Having worked on these exploits and more, from trivial to complex, I can tell you they all had one thing in common: all involved local vulnerabilities.
Follow me on a journey as I discovered a remote stack overflow in a kernel network module (CVE-2022-0435), while enumerating it for primitives to help exploit another bug entirely.
So if you’re interested in a hollistic view of the exploit development process, the nitty gritty of low level kernel exploitation or just fancy witnessing my slow descent into madness as I become a walking, talking TIPC manual then this may just be the talk for you.