(alphabetical order)
Andrey Labunets (Student, Tyumen State University)
Chilik Tamir (Chief Scientist, AppSec Labs)
Dennis Gamayunov (Acting Head of the Information Systems Security Lab, Moscow State University)
Didier Stevens (Security Consultant, Contraste BV)
Egor Homakov (Web Security Researcher)
Evan Booth (Founder, Recursive Squirrel Interactive)
Fyodor Yarochkin (Researcher, Academia Sinica Taiwan)
George Noseevich (PhD Candidate, MSU Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics)
Hugo Teso (Security Consultant, nRuns GmbH)
Jim Manico (VP Security Architecture, WhiteHat Security)
Karthik Raman (Security Researcher, Adobe SSET)
Nicolas Seriot (Mobile Application Developer, Swissquote Bank)
Nikita Tarakanov (Independent Information Security Researcher)
Ofer Shezaf (Security Solutions Manager, HP ArcSight)
Peleus Uhley (Platform Security Strategist, Adobe SSET)
Philippe Langlois (Founder, P1 Security / Telecom Security Task Force [TSTF])
Sebastien Kaczmarek (Senior Security Researcher, QuarksLAB)
Sergey Bratus (Assistant Professor, Dartmouth College)
Sergey Shekyan (Senior Software Engineer, Qualys)
Sergey Soldatov (Independent Security Practitioner)
Steven Ketelaar (Independent Security Researcher)
Tal Zeltzer (Independent Security Researcher)
Travis Goodspeed (Independent Security Researcher)