Capture The Flag – Mass Ownage is an attack only competition. The game mimics real world scenarios and events, bringing the black hat fun of hacking into the competition. There are over 30+ flags to capture and flag points decrease after each submission. Fastest player to submit a flag gets more points compared to the next player. The winner is determined by who ever has the most points. The game consists of a corporate network and players will need to find the DMZs and work from there. As such, the following skills and tools are needed:
- A laptop (with your arsenal on it)
- Creativity
- Resourcefulness
- Hardcore networking skills
- Elite Exploitation skills
- Social engineering skills
- The ability to kick back and just have fun
The game will run through out a duration of 2 days, starting from 10am – 5pm each day. It’s free-for-all meaning that it is not a team based competition, however that does not mean that players can’t create allies. At the end of the day there can only be the top 3 winners.
- Players will need to bring their own laptops.
- No flooding and/or DoS attacks. Player will be penalized by disqualification, points deduction or time penalty.
- No harassment of other opponents.
- All participants must obey PIT STOP calls. PIT STOP calls are rest intervals where all players leave the game area to facilitate for the CTF judges to update the score, and/or do maintenance work etc.
How do I register?
To register for Capture The Flag – Mass Ownage, send an email to ctfinfo@hackinthebox.org with the following details:
- Name / Handle
- Email Address