Xinyu Xing Security Research Scientist of, Assistant Professor of Pennsylvania State University,

Dr. Xinyu Xing is a tenure-track Assistant Professor at Penn State University, and also wears another hat as a visiting professor at the JD security research center at Mountain view. His research centers around exploring and developing tools and techniques to automate vulnerability identification, diagnosis, reproduction and exploitation. In addition, his research covers designing and developing solutions to escalate security for deep learning as well as applying deep learning to conventional security challenges. More specifically, these include (1) building interpretable, adversary-resistant and verifiable deep neural networks and (2) designing various deep neural networks for security applications such as reverse engineering and malware analysis. Over the past years, his research has been published at many prestigious conferences, such as Blackhat USA, DEFCON, USENIX SECURITY, CCS, NIPS and KDD etc. In addition, his research outcomes have been reported by many mainstream media including New York Times, MIT Technology Review, New Scientist and CBC etc.


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