Early bird registration rate ends on the 30th of September
SAP is a core part of the business-critical infrastructure of 95% of the biggest companies in the world, these companies rely on SAP to perform their most sensitive daily operations such as processing employees payroll and benefts, managing logistics, managing suppliers / customers, material management, releasing payments to providers, credit cards processing, business intelligence, etc.
This training provides the latest information on SAP specifc attacks and remediation / protection activities.
This training starts with an introduction to SAP (No previous SAP knowledge is required), you will learn through several hands-on exercises and demos, how to perform your own vulnerability assessments, audits and penetration tests on your SAP platform, you will be very well equipped to understand the critical risks your SAP platform may be facing, how to assess them and more importantly, you will know which are the best-practices to efectively mitigate them, pro-actively protecting your business-critical platform.
Through several hands-on exercises and demos, you will learn how to perform your own vulnerability assessments, audits and penetration tests over your SAP platform, you will be very well equipped to understand the critical risks your SAP platform may be facing, how to assess them and more importantly, you will know which are the best-practices to effectively mitigate them, pro-actively protecting your business-critical platform.
Attendees must bring their own laptop, they should have enough privileges to install software and change their own IP address, the rest of the materials will be provided in class. SSH client, privileges to install software (SAP Client will be provided) and enough privileges to change their IP Address. A modern browser is also required
Day 1
Day 2