Most daily tasks are done nowadays such as shopping and banking transactions over the Internet. The challenge is to improve the security and anonymity of people in this uncontrollable and unsafe Internet environment.
Verification can be done by so-called “Digital signature” which is a special kind of electronic signature to provide data integrity and authenticity. Today, digital signatures are used for identifying the owners of electronic data.
As privacy is one of the basic rights for individuals and institutions that need to preserve their confidentiality, Blind Digital Signatures (BDS) allows a user to obtain a signature from an authority on any document, in such a way that the authority learns nothing about the message that is being signed. The blindness is an important property which distinguishes the blind signature from other signature schemes.
BDS can be used in many applications of cryptography where user privacy is important, such as online transactions, or electronic government services. On the other hand, BDS disguises the content of a message from its signer and thereby assures the privacy of the users.