Early bird registration rate ends on the 12th of January
Reading source code is like the x-ray goggles of hacking. The more you are able to see, the more bugs may appear under the hood.
You might be a proficient Penetration Tester or a skilled Bug Bounty Hunter without ever doing a source code assessment. But, if you like to broaden your horizon with source code reviews to identify bugs in source code, this is the training you are looking for.
This training aims to enable the participants to perform source code assessments on managed languages. In order to teach the general aspects of source code audits, as well as the identification and exploitation of vulnerabilities, the training will follow a language agnostic approach.
Managed languages covered in this training include:
* Java
* .NET
* Python
* Ruby
* Go
The general concepts and key take-aways of this training, however, are independent from specific languages.
Penetration Testers, Bug Bounty Hunters, Developers or anyone else interested in finding (and exploiting) flaws in Software by reading the respective sources.
DAY 1 – Basic Topics
DAY 2 – Advanced Topics
DAY 3 – PoC Creation