TRAINERS: Cyril ‘pod2g’, Nikias ‘pimskeks’ Bassen, David ‘planetbeing’ Wang & Eric ‘MuscleNerd’ (Evad3rs)
CAPACITY: 25 pax
DURATION: 2 days (14th & 15th October 2013)
COST (per pax): MYR4999 (early bird) / MYR5999 (non early-bird)
Cyril (@pod2g)
Cyril (@pod2g) is an independant security researcher who has discovered and exploited several bootrom exploits on iDevices, including 24kpwn, steaks4uce, and SHAtter, as well as several userland and kernel exploits that have been used in various jailbreak tools. He is the initiator of Corona and Rocky-Racoon, the latests public jailbreaks for iOS. In December 2012, he created the 2G Lab company, focused on software development and security research projects.
Nikias Bassen (@pimskeks)
Nikias Bassen (@pimskeks) is the main developer of libimobiledevice, usbmuxd, and other related projects that form an open source implementation of communication and service protocols for iDevices. He found several flaws and directory traversals in iDevice services that allowed installation of Corona, Rocky-Racoon and the latest iOS 6 jailbreak. Apart from reverse engineering and security research he founded the company samaraIT and is working as an independent developer for international clients.
David Wang (@planetbeing)
David Wang (@planetbeing) is a member of the iPhone Dev Team and former developer of many iOS jailbreak tools including redsn0w, xpwn, and QuickPwn. He is also the first to have ported the Linux kernel and Android to iOS devices. More recently, he worked actively on Corona and Rocky-Racoon, the latests public jailbreaks for iOS. Lastly, he has found and successfully exploited several vulnerabilities in iOS 6, leading to an untethered jailbreak.
Eric (@MuscleNerd)
Eric (@MuscleNerd) is a Staff Engineer at a southern Calfornia high-tech firm where he specializes in reverse engineering BIOSes. He is a member of the iPhone Dev Team, which has been developing free iPhone jailbreaks and carrier unlocks since the first iPhone in 2007. He was previously involved in hacking the first two generations of TiVo hardware and was Technical Editor of both the “iOS Hacker’s Handbook” (2012) and “Hacking the TiVo, 2nd Edition” (2004). Originally from the Boston area, he holds S.B and S.M. degrees from M.I.T.