The objectives of the game is for individuals or teams of 2 participants to by pass 4 randomized web based challenges and 4 binary reversing challenges within a stipulated time frame. The top two (2) participant(s) with the fastest time in solving the 4 randomized challenges as well as the 4 binary reversing questions wins a Macbook Air sponsored by iSIGHT Partners!!! The HITB CtF Crew would like to give shoutouts to, Jean-Baptiste Bedrune, the radiobandit crew and all the other awesome guys who helped out. You guys rock!
All participants are required to BRING YOUR OWN LAPTOPS in order to play. Attack targets in the form of a centralized web server and file server will be available on-site. The servers will be made available over a Wired connection and over a 802.11 g Wireless network.
Participants should be well versed in the following areas:
Reverse engineering
Binary analysis
SQL injection (blind / error based)
File Inclusion
Cookie Hijacking

To register, please send an email with the following details to ctfinfo@hackinthebox.org
1.) Your Name + Team Mates Name
2.) Your Email Address
3.) Any questions you might have regarding the game / gameplay