Alessio L.R. Pennasilico (Security Evangelist, Alba S.T. s.r.l.)
Presentation Title: Hacking SCADA: How to 0wn Critical National Infrastructure
Presentation Details:
This talk will introduce the audience to SCADA environments and its totally different security approaches, outlining the main key differences with typical IT Security best practices. We will analyze a lot of real world case studies related to Industry, Energy and other fields. We will describe the most common security mistakes and some of the dire consequences of such mistakes to a production environment. In addition, attendees will be shown a video of real SCADA machines reacting to these attacks in the most “interesting” of ways!
About Alessio
Mr. Alessio L.R. Pennasilico, a.k.a. mayhem, 30 years, lives and works in Verona (Italy) as a Security Evangelist for Alba S.T. s.r.l.
His personal and working interests are into Information Technology, focusing on security issues, OpenSource and Digital Rights. That’s why he soon became a member of many independent organizations, such as AIPSI, AIP, CLUSIT, ILS, OpenBeer, VoIPSA, Metro Olografix,, ISAC-IT,, Thawte, ISECOM’s Hacker’s Profiling Project (HPP) and many LUGs. He is usually invited as a speaker at most of the national events such as SMAU, Infosecurity, E-privacy, Linux Day, OpenCon, OpenEXP, ESC and the italian HackMeeting. Alessio also holds workshops in secondary schools and italian universities, with the aim of spreading the culture for an aware use of nowaday’s technology.
His main areas of competence are related to firewalling, High Availability, penetration testing, SCADA security, criptography, VoIP, privacy, Linux, OpenBSD and OpenSource philosophy.
** Presenting with Raoul Chiesa.