Dr. Jose Nazario (Senior Software Engineer, Arbor Networks)
Presentation Title: Googling for Malware and Bugs
Presentation Details:
Googles tremendous database has facilitated a number of queries that before we could only dream of. The back end analysis tools, exposed through search facilities and operators, solves a number of technical hurdles and leaves only your imagination as a limiting factor. While other talks have focused on finding out about people and hidden secrets using Google, this talk will focus instead on using Google Codesearch to perform large scale static code analysis to find security-related bugs, and also on how to use the standard Google search facility to find malware and suspicious executables. Well explore what this means, discuss tools to facilitate this approach, and show you how to go forth and discover the Internets underbelly.
About Jose
Dr. Jose Nazario is a Senior Security Engineer within Arbor Networks’ Arbor Security Engineering & Response Team (ASERT). Dr. Nazario’s research interests include large-scale Internet trends such as reachability and topology measurement, Internet-scale events such as DDoS attacks, botnets and worms, source code analysis tools, and data mining. He is the author of the books “Defense and Detection Strategies against Internet Worms” and “Secure Architectures with OpenBSD.” He earned a Ph.D. in biochemistry from Case Western Reserve University in 2002. Prior to joining Arbor Networks, he was an independent security consultant. Dr. Nazario regularly speaks at conferences worldwide, with past presentations at CanSecWest, PacSec, Blackhat, and NANOG. He also maintains WormBlog.com, a site devoted to studying worm detection and defense research.