Hack In The Box Security Conference 2007 - Dubai

Welcome to the official homepage of HITBSecConf2007 - Dubai. The main aim of the HITBSecConf conference series is to enable the dissemination, discussion and sharing of deep knowledge network security information. Featuring presentations by respected members of both the mainstream network security arena as well as the underground or black hat community, HITBSecConf2007 - Dubai will see over 15 of the world’s leading network security specialists down to present their research and findings.
Event Details
Venue: Sheraton by the Creek,
Dubai, UAE.
Date: 2nd April
Time: 0900 - 1800
Item: 4-tracks Hands-On Technical Training (Day 1)
Date: 3rd April
Time: 0900 - 1800
Item: 4-tracks Hands-On Technical Training (Day 2)
Date: 4th April
Time: 0800 - 1600
Item: Dual Track Security Conference & Capture The Flag ‘Live Hacking’ Competition (Day 1)
Date: 5th April
Time: 0800 - 1600
Item: Dual Track Security Conference & Capture The Flag ‘Live Hacking’ Competition (Day 2)
Hands-On Technical Training
TECH TRAINING 1 - Advanced Web Application & Services Hacking
Trainer: Shreeraj Shah (Director, Net-Square)
TECH TRAINING 2 - Tactical VoIP : Applied VoIPhreaking
Trainer: The Grugq (Independent Network Security Researcher)
TECH TRAINING 3 -Structured Network Threat Analysis and Forensics
Trainer: Meling Mudin (spoonfork) and Lee Chin Shing (geek00l)
TECH TRAINING 4 - Packetmastering the Monkey Way
Trainers: Dr. Jose Nazario (Senior Software Engineer, Arbor Networks)
HITBSecConf2007 - Dubai - Keynote Speakers
1.) Mikko Hypponen (Chief Research Officer, F-Secure Corp)
2.) Lance Spitzner (Founder, Honeynet Project.)
HITBSecConf2007 - Dubai - Invited Speakers (alphabetical order)
1.) Ahmad Elkhatib (Security Consultant, Pointsec)
2.) Emmanuel Gadaix (Founder, Telecom Security Task Force, TSTF)
3.) Enno Rey (ERNW, GmbH)
4.) Fabrice Marie (Manager, FMA-RMS Singapore/Malaysia)
5.) Hendrik Scholz (Lead VoIP Developer, Freenet Cityline GmbH)
6.) Marc Weber Tobias (Investigative Attorney and Security Specialist)
7.) Nitin Kumar (Independent Security Engineer / Researcher)
8.) Raoul Chiesa (Board of Directors Member@ Mediaservice.net ISECOM Group & TSTF)
9.) Rodrigo Rubira Branco (Software Engineer, IBM)
10.) Shreeraj Shah (Director, Net-Square)
11.) Tareq Saade (Program Manager, MSRR, Microsoft Corporation)
12.) The Grugq (Independent Network Security Researcher)
13.) Vipin Kumar (Independent Network Security Consultant/Analyst)
14.) Window Snyder (Chief Security Something-or-Other, Mozilla Foundation)