HITB Badge Village

Date: Nov 27 & 28

Time: 9am – 6pm


This year’s conference electronic badge features the talks agenda and all activities happening during the conference. It also has a game mode. LoRa locate 12 badge masters for the keys to be the master of all the badges!

Badge Specs:

โ€ข MCU: ARM 32-bit Cortex-M3 STM32F103 โ€ข RF: SX1278 Lora 433MHz
โ€ข Battery: AAA x2
โ€ข LCD: ST7735S 128*128 1.44′ TFT
โ€ข Button: Micro Button x6 โ€ข RGBLED:SK6805 x18
โ€ข Process: Lead Free

Want to know more? Come by the Badge Village!

Badge Team
