Comments on: CHRIS EVANS (Information Security Engineer / Troublemaker / Chrome Security, Google Corp) Celebrating a Decade of HITB Security Conferences Tue, 29 Jan 2013 08:25:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pinkie Pie hacker strikes again; Google repairs two major Chrome vulnerabilities | Virus / malware / hacking / security news Pinkie Pie hacker strikes again; Google repairs two major Chrome vulnerabilities | Virus / malware / hacking / security news Wed, 05 Dec 2012 02:23:56 +0000 [...] Video of Chris Evan’s talk at #HITB2012KUL on Element 31337 in the Periodic Table: Pwnium,  is available on YouTube and covers details of [...]

By: Pinkie Pie hacker strikes again; Google repairs two major Chrome vulnerabilities Pinkie Pie hacker strikes again; Google repairs two major Chrome vulnerabilities Wed, 05 Dec 2012 00:57:25 +0000 [...] Video of Chris Evan’s talk at #HITB2012KUL on Element 31337 in the Periodic Table: Pwnium,  is available on YouTube and covers details of [...]

By: Pwnium 2 begins | ChromeBytes Pwnium 2 begins | ChromeBytes Thu, 11 Oct 2012 12:23:53 +0000 [...] analyzing any submissions we receive, and will announce successful exploits and prizes during our talk at 5 p.m, Thursday (9 a.m. GMT) on the evolution of Chrome’s vulnerability rewards [...]

By: ‘Pinkie Pie’ notches second full Chrome exploit worth $60k at Pwnium 2 hackathon [updated] | Digital Gadget dan Selular ‘Pinkie Pie’ notches second full Chrome exploit worth $60k at Pwnium 2 hackathon [updated] | Digital Gadget dan Selular Thu, 11 Oct 2012 03:49:39 +0000 [...] software engineer Chris Evans is in attendance and has promised to discuss any exploits and vulnerabilities found during the hackathon at a [...]

By: ‘Pinkie Pie’ notches second full Chrome exploit worth $60k at Pwnium 2 hackathon [updated] | Networld Interactive ‘Pinkie Pie’ notches second full Chrome exploit worth $60k at Pwnium 2 hackathon [updated] | Networld Interactive Wed, 10 Oct 2012 14:31:40 +0000 [...] software engineer Chris Evans is in attendance and has promised to discuss any exploits and vulnerabilities found during the hackathon at a [...]

By: Pwnium 2 begins Pwnium 2 begins Wed, 10 Oct 2012 14:06:42 +0000 [...] analyzing any submissions we receive, and will announce successful exploits and prizes during our talk at 5 p.m, Thursday (9 a.m. GMT) on the evolution of Chrome’s vulnerability rewards [...]

By: 42 Historical Collections Added to the Google Cultural Institute – Google for Media Day and Pwnium 2 Announced | - All About Technology 42 Historical Collections Added to the Google Cultural Institute – Google for Media Day and Pwnium 2 Announced | - All About Technology Wed, 10 Oct 2012 13:08:38 +0000 [...] analyzing any submissions we receive, and will announce successful exploits and prizes during our talk at 5 p.m, Thursday (9 a.m. GMT) on the evolution of Chrome's vulnerability rewards program," Google [...]

By: ‘Pinkie Pie’ notches second full Chrome exploit worth $60k at Pwnium 2 hackathon [updated] | Bitmag ‘Pinkie Pie’ notches second full Chrome exploit worth $60k at Pwnium 2 hackathon [updated] | Bitmag Wed, 10 Oct 2012 11:32:14 +0000 [...] software engineer Chris Evans is in attendance and has promised to discuss any exploits and vulnerabilities found during the hackathon at a [...]

By: First Chrome exploit submitted in Pwnium 2 hackathon, could be worth $60k | First Chrome exploit submitted in Pwnium 2 hackathon, could be worth $60k | Wed, 10 Oct 2012 11:23:23 +0000 [...] software engineer Chris Evans is in attendance and has promised to discuss any exploits and vulnerabilities found during the hackathon at a [...]

By: ‘Pinkie Pie’ notches second full Chrome exploit worth $60k at Pwnium 2 hackathon [updated] | Arne Ruhnau News ‘Pinkie Pie’ notches second full Chrome exploit worth $60k at Pwnium 2 hackathon [updated] | Arne Ruhnau News Wed, 10 Oct 2012 08:07:15 +0000 [...] software engineer Chris Evans is in attendance and has promised to discuss any exploits and vulnerabilities found during the hackathon at a [...]
